Nouri Who?


Welcome to my Nouri Blog! I am a Certified Massage Therapist, an Energy Practitioner, a Spiritualist, and a nature-based bath product maker.

Vision: We Heal Ourselves

Mission: Our mission is to improve the individual’s ideal of Self. We expand upon empowering the individual by promoting the importance of connection, attunement, and self-regulation. We believe this can be accomplished by encouraging balance and peace within the everyday life through meditation, nature-based products and therapies. There by enhancing the connectedness of Spirituality and Holistic Practices. The result is a well-nurtured, well-nourished, and energized Self.

What I LOVE about all that I do?: I love being apart of the healing, learning, and creating process. I believe all of what we do as living organisms is a process of birthing, change, and rebirth.

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